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Ergonomic Assessment

Tomas Sedurskas October 19, 2023 12 min read

An ergonomic assessment is a systematic process that evaluates how well a workstation, such as an ergonomic desk or office chair suits an individual’s specific needs and helps to identify potential risks and discomfort associated with the work environment. The main aim of an ergonomic assessment for desks is to ensure that the design and layout of the workstation promote productivity, comfort, and overall well-being while minimizing the risk of musculoskeletal disorders and other work-related injuries.

Fill out this form to get a detailed list of actionable suggestions to improve the ergonomics of your workstation.

Ergonomic Self Assessment Survey

The Office Chair
Is the height, seat and back adjustable on your office chair?
Are your feet fully supported by the floor when you are seated?
Does your chair provide support for your lower back?
When your back is supported, you able to sit without feeling pressure from the chair seat on the back of your knees?
Do your armrests allow you to get close to your workstation?
Keyboard and Mouse
Are your keyboard, mouse and work surface at your elbow height?
Are frequently used items within easy reach?
Is the keyboard close to the front edge of the desk allowing space for the wrist to rest on the desk surface?
When using your keyboard and mouse, are your wrists straight and your upper arms relaxed?
Is your mouse at the same level and as close as possible to your keyboard?
Is the mouse comfortable to use?
Desk Workspace
Is your monitor positioned directly in front of you?
Is your monitor positioned at least an arm's length away?
Is your monitor height slightly below eye level?
Is your monitor and work surface free from glare?
Do you have appropriate light for reading or writing documents?
Are frequently used items located within the usual work area and items which are only used occasionally in the occasional work area?
Do you take postural breaks every 30 minutes? E.g. standing, walking.
Do you take regular eye breaks from looking at your monitor?
Is there a sloped desk surface or angle board for reading and writing tasks if required?
Is there a document holder either beside the screen or between the screen and keyboard if required?
Are you using a headset or speakerphone if you are writing or keying while talking on the phone?
Do you use a full sized external monitor, keyboard and mouse in the event of using a laptop for a prolonged period of time?
Hot Desking
When switching to a temporary work desk, do you make most of the asjustments mentioned above?

Survey Results

Fill out the survey and click "Generate Assessment Report" to see the results. You will receive a detailed checklist of actionable items and improve the ergonomics of your workstation.
Office Room with Ergonomic Desk Setup with a prominent Jungle Wall in the background
Source: Uneebo Office Design

What are Ergonomics?

Ergonomics is the science of designing and arranging items in our environments to fit the capabilities and limitations of human beings. It aims to optimize human well-being and overall system performance by creating a harmonious relationship between individuals and their work environments. By considering the interaction between people and their tools, workspaces, and tasks, ergonomics seeks to enhance both efficiency and safety. It has become an essential in todays world when creating a decent work environment. You can read about it more in our Perfect Desk Setup Essentials Guide

What is an Ergonomic Assessment?

An ergonomic assessment involves the evaluation of the workplace to ensure that it is optimized for the well-being and productivity of the individuals using it. It examines various factors, including the arrangement of furniture, lighting, equipment, and the design of tasks to identify any potential risks or inefficiencies. The assessment is usually carried out by a trained professional who can identify areas that need improvement and suggest appropriate solutions.

Why Do an Ergonomic Assessment?

Conducting an ergonomic assessment is crucial for several reasons. First and foremost, it helps prevent work-related injuries and musculoskeletal disorders by identifying and mitigating potential risks. Moreover, it enhances overall work productivity and efficiency, as a well-designed workspace can significantly improve employee comfort and focus. Furthermore, it fosters a culture of employee well-being, leading to increased job satisfaction and reduced absenteeism.

Who Needs an Ergonomic Assessment?

Ergonomic assessments are beneficial for anyone spending prolonged periods in a seated or stationary position, especially in office environments. This includes individuals working on computers, operating machinery, or performing repetitive tasks. Furthermore, individuals experiencing discomfort or pain related to their work environment should consider undergoing an ergonomic assessment to address potential issues before they escalate.

  • Employers: Companies and organizations are often interested in ergonomic assessments to ensure a safe and healthy work environment for their employees. They aim to increase productivity, reduce absenteeism due to work-related injuries, and comply with health and safety regulations.

  • Employees: Workers who may experience discomfort or physical strain in their workplace are a key audience for ergonomic assessments. Assessments can help identify potential risks and suggest adjustments to workstations, tools, or processes to improve their well-being and productivity.

  • Programmers and UI/UX Designers: Writing code for extended periods of time is a well know cause of carpel tunnel syndrome and other negative health effects. The sedentary work environment also doesn’t help. We prepared an Ultimate Desk Setup Guide for UX Designers

  • Designers and Engineers: Professionals involved in designing workspaces, tools, and equipment can benefit from ergonomic assessments. They can use the findings to create products and environments that are more user-friendly, comfortable, and efficient.

  • Health and Safety Professionals: Individuals responsible for ensuring occupational health and safety in a workplace can use ergonomic assessments to identify and mitigate potential risks. These assessments can help them develop strategies to prevent work-related injuries and promote overall employee well-being.

  • Individuals with Disabilities: Ergonomic assessments can also cater to individuals with specific physical limitations or disabilities, aiming to create a more inclusive and accessible environment for them.

  • Healthcare Providers: Doctors, physical therapists, and other healthcare professionals may use ergonomic assessments to understand the impact of work-related activities on an individual’s health. They can provide recommendations for preventing or managing musculoskeletal disorders and other work-related injuries.

Can I Perform an Ergonomic Self-Assessment?

Yes! In this post we provide a Free Tool for Ergonomic Assessments that can be done in minutes. If our assessment is not robust enough, then look for an Official Ergonomic Assessment Specialist.

While a professional ergonomic assessment is ideal, individuals can perform a basic self-assessment to identify any glaring issues in their workspace. This can include evaluating chair height, monitor placement, keyboard positioning, and overall posture. However, for a comprehensive and effective assessment, consulting with an ergonomic specialist is recommended.

How to Perform an Ergonomic Assessment

A comprehensive ergonomic assessment typically involves the following steps:

  1. Workspace Analysis: Evaluate the desk and chair ergonomics. Check the placement of the computer monitor and other equipment. Ensure proper lighting in the workspace.
  2. Task Evaluation: Analyze the nature of tasks performed. Identify repetitive or strenuous actions that could lead to injury.
  3. Posture Assessment: Assess the individual’s posture during work. Provide recommendations for improving posture and seating position.
  4. Equipment Examination: Review the use of tools and equipment. Ensure that they are suitable and properly adjusted for the individual.

What Items Contribute to the Ergonomics?

All items you interact with through out your work days contribute or take away from your setups ergonomics. Here’s a list of the main products to look for to improve ergonomics:

What are the Benefits of Good Ergonomics in the Short Term?

Implementing good ergonomic practices can yield immediate benefits, such as:

  • Improved comfort and reduced fatigue.
  • Enhanced focus and concentration.
  • Increased productivity and efficiency.
  • Alleviation of immediate physical discomfort, such as back pain, neck strain, and eye strain.

Effects of Good and Bad Ergonomics in the Long Term

Long-term adherence to ergonomic principles results in:

  • Reduced instances of chronic musculoskeletal disorders and injuries.
  • Improved overall physical well-being.
  • Better posture and reduced risk of chronic conditions.
  • Enhanced employee satisfaction and retention.

On the other hand, poor ergonomics can lead to:

  • Chronic back pain and posture-related issues.
  • Increased risk of repetitive strain injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Long-term health complications that affect overall well-being and productivity.
  • Minor Injuries
  • Loss of flexibility

One of the primary objectives of ergonomic assessments is injury prevention. By identifying potential risk factors and implementing appropriate measures, ergonomic assessments help reduce the likelihood of workplace injuries, thereby promoting a safe and healthy work environment.

Health Benefits

The health benefits of proper ergonomics are manifold. They include:

  • Improved posture and reduced muscular strain.
  • Decreased incidence of repetitive strain injuries.
  • Enhanced circulation and reduced fatigue.
  • Overall improvement in physical well-being and comfort.

Ergonomic Assessment Certified Standards

Several organizations and institutes provide certifications in ergonomic assessments. These certifications ensure that the assessors are well-trained and knowledgeable about the latest ergonomic practices and standards. Some reputable certifications include:

  • Certified Professional Ergonomist (CPE)
  • Certified Ergonomic Assessment Specialist (CEAS)

What’s the Average Cost?

The cost of an ergonomic assessment can vary depending on the complexity of the assessment, the size of the workspace, and the expertise of the assessor. On average, a basic ergonomic assessment can range from $150 to $500, while more comprehensive assessments for larger workspaces might cost between $500 and $2000. These costs are minor when compared to the potential savings from increased productivity and reduced healthcare costs resulting from improved employee well-being.

Can the Ergonomic Desk Evaluation be Done Remotely?

With the advancement of technology, some aspects of ergonomic assessments can indeed be conducted remotely. Virtual assessments can include video consultations, where the assessor guides the individual through a self-assessment process and provides recommendations based on the visual evaluation. While certain limitations exist, remote assessments can still offer valuable insights and suggestions for improving the work environment.


For individuals or organizations seeking alternatives to traditional ergonomic assessments, there are various online tools and resources available. These include:

Ergonomic self-assessment tools. Informative guides on ergonomic practices. Virtual ergonomic workshops. While these alternatives may not replace the comprehensive analysis provided by a professional assessment, they can still offer valuable insights and guidance for creating a more ergonomic workspace.


In conclusion, prioritizing ergonomics in the design of our workspaces is vital for promoting both the physical well-being and productivity of individuals. By conducting regular ergonomic assessments and implementing the recommended changes, we can create environments that foster comfort, safety, and optimal performance. Investing in ergonomic assessments is not only an investment in the health and well-being of employees but also a strategy for boosting overall workplace productivity and satisfaction.