Desk Perfection Logo

Showcase Your Setup!

Share your desk setup and we will showcase the best of the best on the website and possibly on our YouTube series!

Submit Your Setup!

Must provide at least one link below
You must agree to the terms and conditions to submit.

What's in it for You?

There are a few benefits:

  1. More traffic on your posts and/or website
  2. Earn a backlink
  3. Get credited in the post
  4. Showcase your amazing setup in front of a massive audience!

How to Submit a Setup?

  1. Add a name to be credited.
  2. Inlucde a list of items featured in your build.
  3. Include at least one of these links:
    • Imgur Image Album
    • Social Media Post
    • Post on a Website

Photo Submition Details


Upload 5-15 photos of your setup to an Imgur album. Here's how to create an album on Imgur.

Social Media

All major social media links are acceptable. Make sure that the post has at least 5 pictures.


Make sure that the post on your website has at least 5 pictures. This website URL will also be used for the backlink.

What can Disqualify a Submition?

Here are some common reasons for disqualification:

  • Spam
  • Low Quality
  • Unoriginal images
  • Copyright infringement
  • Incorrect and/or Sketchy Links
  • Failing to provide essential information
  • Digital image files that contain anti-copying or tracking devices.
  • Images that contain elements that are unlawful or that we may not lawfully use or publish.
  • Images that contain personally identifiable information such as, but not limited to, email addresses, URLs, phone numbers, physical addresses or other forms of contact information.

Each individual submition will be reviewed and can be rejected due to reasons not mentioned above.